ReDPeTT Faqs

  • What tiers of FETP can use ReDPeTT?

          ReDPeTT is made to be utilized by all (Frontline, Intermediate, and Advanced) tiers

  • Is there a cost associated with the use of ReDPeTT?

          No, ReDPeTT is free of charge.

  • Why use ReDPeTT?

          ReDPeTT allows residents to track their progress to complete their graduation requirements and reduces the burden on the Resident Advisor (RA) for tracking what residents are doing, and which Core Activities of Learning are due to assign projects.

  • What if you would like training, how do you access it?

    To request a training please use the following link:
    Navigate to the ReDPeTT Landing Page and to the "Contact Us". Enter your name, email and click the 'I would like training' button and select a suggested date and time.

  • Who is responsible for filling out a project’s details?

          Only the lead resident assigned to the project by the RA.

  • Does the resident/trainee have to complete the form in one sitting?

          No, project details are saved and can be updated once the project is complete.

  • Is there the ability to add attachments to records?

          Allows for attachments and document management for each project.

  • How do you access ReDPeTT?

          ReDPeTT is accessed online.

  • Can you access ReDPeTT via your mobile phone?

          Yes, you can access ReDPeTT via any web browser.

  • Considering the sensitive nature of our data, is ReDPeTT safe to use?

          Yes, ReDPeTT is encrypted.

  • Who has access to our data?

          Only users affiliated with your program.

  • How do residents use ReDPeTT?

          They create a username and password and begin using the tool. There is a video tutorial available with additional guidance.

  • Is there a dashboard for FETP administrators to view summary data?

          Yes, there are dashboards and multiple ways to filter the data.

  • Are there reports?

          Yes, there are over 20+ one-push reports available for FETP staff.

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